
免费TurnitinUK版英语学位论文降重 英语学位论文查重软件免费流程

作者:本站原创 更新:2023-09-01 浏览:10052次





1. 请确保你有一台运行良好的电脑,以及一个可以访问互联网的网络连接。

2. 在搜索引擎上搜索“英语学位论文查重软件免费”,可以看到很多相关的结果。

3. 选择你认为最专业的一个查重软件,点击进入,按照上的指引安装软件。

4. 安装完成后,打开软件,将你的学位论文复制到软件的文本框内。

5. 点击“查重”按钮,稍等片刻,软件就会显示出你的论文查重结果。

6. 对查重结果进行分析,根据论文查重结果,修改你的论文,以避免抄袭。

7. 完成上述步骤后,你就可以放心地将你的学位论文提交了,而不必担心被查出抄袭。


The academic paper is an important tool for scholars to record and share their academic achievements. In order to ensure the authenticity of the academic paper and oid the occurrence of plagiari, the principle of paper reduction and plagiari detection is used.

First of all, the paper reduction principle is used to reduce the similarity of the paper. The algorithm for paper reduction generally includes content reduction, word substitution, paraphrase, etc., which can decrease the similarity of the paper and make the paper more unique and complete.

Secondly, the plagiari detection principle is used to detect the similarity between the paper and other papers, and determine whether the paper is plagiarized. Generally, the plagiari detection algorithm is used, which can effectively detect the plagiari of the paper, and can also find out the original paper of the plagiari source.

In conclusion, the paper reduction principle and plagiari detection principle are important tools for the evaluation of academic papers. Through the use of these two principles, we can effectively evaluate the authenticity of the paper and oid the occurrence of plagiari.


Graduation thesis reduction principle and checking duplication refer to the process of reducing the size of a graduation thesis while maintaining its quality and checking whether the contents of the thesis are duplicated.

Graduation thesis reduction principle is mainly to reduce the wordiness, repetitiveness and redundancy in the thesis, and the method of reduction is usually to delete or modify the redundant words and sentences. Generally, the reduction should be carried out from the aspects of vocabulary, grammar, syntax and logic.

The purpose of checking duplication is to oid plagiari. In the process of checking duplication, we can use the similarity detection software to compare the contents of the thesis with the existing documents in the database. If there is duplication, the software system can accurately detect the similarity and inform the author.

In short, the principle of reducing graduation thesis is to reduce the redundant words and sentences, so as to improve the overall quality of the thesis, while the purpose of checking duplication is to oid plagiari and ensure the originality of the thesis.











