
在线Paperpass英文自考论文改重 英文学术论文改重步骤

作者:本站原创 更新:2023-09-05 浏览:9604次




Step 1, Read Your Paper

First, read your paper carefully to gain an understanding of its main points. Make sure to note any areas that need further explanation or clarification.

Step 2, Reorganize Your Paper

Next, reorganize your paper by rearranging the order of your paragraphs, adding new sections, and adjusting the overall flow of the paper. Make sure to keep your main points intact while improving the structure of your paper.

Step 3, Revise Your Paper

Finally, revise your paper by making changes to the language and structure. Pay attention to grammar and spelling, and focus on making the paper concise and easy to understand. Revise any areas that could be improved upon or clarified.

By following these steps, you can easily revamp your paper to make it more effective and informative. With a bit of effort, you can ensure that your paper is clear, concise, and well-written.


Sustainability has become increasingly important in recent years. It is a concept that involves the protection of the environment, the responsible use of resources, and the preservation of the planet for future generations. In this essay, I will discuss two aspects of sustainability, its importance to the environment, and its importance to businesses.

Sustainability is important to the environment because it helps protect natural resources, reduce pollution, and mitigate the impact of climate change. For example, sustainable practices such as reducing energy consumption and switching to renewable energy sources can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce the effects of global warming. Additionally, sustainable farming practices can help reduce soil erosion and water pollution, while sustainable forestry can help maintain biodiversity.

Sustainability is also important to businesses because it can help them become more efficient and cost-effective. Through the implementation of sustainable practices, businesses can reduce their energy and water use, reduce their waste, and increase their efficiency. Additionally, businesses that adopt sustainability practices may be able to attract customers with a commitment to sustainability, which can lead to increased revenue.

In conclusion, sustainability is important to both the environment and businesses. Sustainable practices can help protect natural resources, reduce pollution, and mitigate the impact of climate change. Additionally, businesses that adopt sustainability practices can become more efficient and cost-effective, which can lead to increased revenue.


The purpose of this thesis is to explore the role of technology in language learning and how it has been used to facilitate the learning process. With the proliferation of technology in the modern world, it is becoming increasingly important for language learners to understand how best to use technology for their own learning. This thesis will examine the various roles that technology has played in language learning, from providing access to materials to facilitating communication between learners and instructors. It will discuss how technology has been used to create more interactive learning environments, and how technology can be used to assess and measure progress. The research methodology used in this thesis will include a literature review, interviews, and surveys. Finally, the thesis will provide recommendations for how educators and language learners can best use technology to facilitate language learning.







Rewriting a graduation thesis is a complex process. It requires the writer to be organized, creative, and thorough. To make this process easier, here are three main steps one should take when rewriting a graduation thesis,

Firstly, it is crucial to plan out the structure of the thesis. This includes deciding on the main topic, organizing the order of the arguments, and dividing the paper into sections. To make this process easier, it is important to create an outline and use that as a guide when writing. This will not only help the writer stay on track, but also allow them to identify any gaps or inconsistencies in their argument.

Secondly, once the structure of the thesis is complete, the writer should focus on revising the content. This includes making sure all the facts are accurate and that all the sources are properly cited. Additionally, the writer should consider if there are any areas that need further explanation or if any of the arguments can be improved.

Lastly, the writer should pay close attention to the presentation of the thesis. This includes ensuring that the writing is clear, concise, and easy to understand. It is also important to make sure that the paper is properly formatted and that all the sections are well-structured.

Overall, rewriting a graduation thesis is no easy task. However, by following these three steps, the writer can make the process much simpler. Planning out the structure, revising the content, and paying attention to the presentation are all key elements to consider when rewriting a thesis. With careful planning and hard work, anyone can succesully rewrite a graduation thesis.
