
毕业论文检测论文流程是什么意思 论文查重检测的流程是什么意思呀

作者:本站原创 更新:2023-08-09 浏览:10380次









1. 打开Paperpass,点击“抄袭检测”模块,点击“免费检测”按钮。

2. 在抄袭检测的页面上,选择要检测的文件格式(docx / pdf),将文件上传至服务器。

3. 接着,系统会对文件内容进行检测,并生成抄袭率报告,根据检测结果,系统会给出抄袭率报告。

4. 抄袭率报告会出现在结果展示页面上,用户可以根据报告结果,来判断毕业论文是否存在抄袭。



The process of paper similarity detection refers to the process of automatically detecting the similarity between two or more documents. It is a widely used technique in the field of plagiari detection, and is also used to identify duplicate content in the form of documents, articles, reviews, etc. In this process, a set of algorithms and techniques are used to measure the similarity between documents.

Paper similarity detection is usually done by comparing the content of two documents or sets of documents. This is done by comparing the text of the documents, or by comparing the structure of the documents. In either case, the comparison is done by comparing the words in each document, or by comparing the structure of the documents. The comparison is then evaluated and a score is assigned to each document based on the similarity between them.

In the paper similarity detection process, the documents are first broken down into aller units such as words, phrases, or sentences. Then, a comparison is done between the units in each document, and a similarity score is assigned to each document based on the comparison. The comparison can be done using various techniques such as cosine similarity, Jaccard similarity, or Levenshtein distance.

Once the comparison has been done, the similarity score is then used to determine the level of similarity between the documents. The higher the score, the more similar the documents are. This score can then be used to determine whether the documents are similar enough to be considered plagiarized or not.

In summary, the process of paper similarity detection involves comparing the content of two or more documents by comparing the words, phrases, or sentences contained in them. The comparison is then evaluated and a score is assigned to each document based on the similarity between them. The score is then used to determine the level of similarity between the documents, and can be used to determine whether the documents are similar enough to be considered plagiarized or not.



1. 访问Turnitin UK,进入“新用户注册”页面,输入有效的邮箱地址和,确认并注册账号。

2. 完成账号注册后,开始购买Turnitin UK版毕业论文检测软件。在购买页面,选择“免费”选项,并确认订单信息,提交订单。

3. 收到订单信息后,Turnitin UK会将免费版毕业论文检测软件的下载链接发送到您的邮箱中,点击链接进入软件下载页面,选择合适的操作系统类型,下载软件安装包。

4. 安装包下载完成后,双击文件开始安装,按照提示完成软件安装,安装完成后,即可使用Turnitin UK版毕业论文检测软件。
